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My husband and I were married with love and I have never cheated on him during our 6 years of marriage. I want to share with you the story of my husband’s revenge, which is completely real. My name is Sunay, 160 cm. i am a tall, 51 kg, 25-year-old woman with a lively body. My wife Sedat and I have a very good life and everything is going well, including the financial situation, while a handsome 20-year-old university student named Ersun who moved into our opposite apartment started to turn our life upside down. My husband was constantly warning me about him, unknowingly making me think about him all the time. When our encounters with Ersun at the door became more frequent, short-term conversations began to come one after the Decrees. Our negotiations, which proceeded in the form of a front-door conversation, progressed to sitting in a cafe after my work, harassment by hand, and then making love. I couldn’t make sense of the fact that my wife was becoming increasingly suspicious of me. Because our meetings with Ersun last very short and we started meeting in areas that would not attract anyone’s attention as much as possible. My wife hung up the phone one day saying that she had to go out of the province for job interviews. I’ll call him right back and when I start asking questions like when are you leaving, I’ll leave right away. I’ll stop by the house, pack my things and leave. Now he hung up the phone again, saying I’ll see you when I get back in two or three days. I was curious when I didn’t see Ersun at the cafe after work in the evening. When I went home, desperately looking around because he didn’t answer all my calls, I saw Ersun on the doorstep. He said that he met my husband at the door, he would not be for two or three days for work, he told me to take care of me, whereupon he said that he thought he could meet him at home and missed him very much, hugged me in front of the door and kissed me on the one hand and on the other he was shaking my body with his hands. Ersun makes me open the door, continues to kiss her lips without separating them at all, and she started undressing me by holding me up against the wall just behind the outer door. He was kissing so willingly that I couldn’t resist and reached orgasm while we were making love. We were kissing and touching each other’s genitals with our hands until we were both naked. When we got to the middle of the hall, Ersun, who took me under, was officially cutting my pussy like a knife while sliding his big dick towards my pussy, which was like soap from pleasure. My body stretched out with pleasure and pressing my trembling hands to the ground, I made my body like a spring and pushed my whole body towards his crotch. While I was trying to reach the peaks of pleasure by touching the big cock that I felt inside me to all the walls of my pussy in all its glory, Ersun was moving her hip in the opposite direction and making me enjoy it more. It was impossible for me to say no to Ersun, who stated that she wanted to have an opposite relationship with me immediately after reaching orgasm for the second time, after I had experienced orgasm 3 times in a row throughout my life. After lighting a cigarette and resting, we started making love again on the coffee table in the middle of the hall. He was kissing and touching me so impressively that it took me a very short time to get wet again. And when Ersun became upright, she lay down under me on the carpet. And I turned my back to him so that he could easily shove me in the ass. While he was fucking me like that, my husband suddenly appeared right in front of me. At first I thought I was dreaming, but I noticed the gun in his hand. Don’t move when you call out to me, bitch! He said to stay the same way and wait without moving at all. The Ersun beneath me came out of me as if he had lost his manhood with that fear. My husband, you will hold the gun in your hand against my pussy and both of you will stay like this. He unzipped it, saying I’ll shoot you both if you don’t. He rubbed his dick against my pussy to get hard. After a while, when I thought he was going to put his hardening manhood in my pussy, he pushed me and made me lie on my back on the pussy. With Ersun below me screaming bitterly and abi saying please don’t, I realized that my husband had done something bad to Ersun, but I couldn’t see anything. While standing over Ersun and trying to figure out what my husband was doing, I saw my husband fucking Ersun in the ass. He kept rooting for Ersun, saying how can you fuck the ass that even I couldn’t fuck. After going on like this for a while, I think my husband came and straightened his zipper and got up from us. He pointed the pistol in his hand first at me, then at Ersun, and now he asked which of you I should shoot first. Ersun “shoot me first, brother. After this time, I can’t be a man, please shoot me,” when he started begging, my husband fired a shot towards me. Then he shot at Ersun and started waiting next to us. The heat of the bullet entering my groin enveloped my entire body, leaving its place in an amazing pain. I couldn’t even look at Ersun because of my own pain. After a while, the police came to the house and my wife surrendered to them. My husband’s revenge had been very bad both from the point of view of ersun and from my point of view. My husband’s revenge didn’t just stop with that. When I got out of the hospital, I went home. I couldn’t get into the house because the house key had been changed. I checked into a hotel and met my husband again when I went to the court for a divorce case filed by my husband with a court notice that came to my workplace while coming to work. I couldn’t look at his face. He told me everything that happened in court. He told me how he brought us to the flax, how he knew about my relationship with Ersun, how he went crazy when he saw us having sex, but he didn’t regret it. We got divorced in the first court and my wife went back to prison to serve her remaining sentence. When I returned to my workplace, I was humiliated by my colleagues because of what I had gone through and what I had done to my husband. There was no one left around me. My husband had my cheating on him faxed to my workplace so that all my colleagues would find out. My husband’s revenge was endless. I asked for my assignment to the city where my family lived and I went. There, too, my parents turned their backs on me. On the last day my husband shot me, he took what we did with Ersun on camera and sent it to my family. My husband’s revenge was not limited to this either. He had prepared a great plan for Ersun and first harassed her through his friends, and then arranged for 5 of his friends to rape Ersun collectively.

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