I said come in, I said we’ll talk.“No, what are we going to talk about,” he said. I said come, he accepted even if he had to, and we entered through the first open door on the site and Decamped to the basement basement, where we started talking, Merve’s tone of voice sometimes rises, I speak to her normally, but she raises her tone as she raises it. That’s enough, who the fuck are you, you’re yelling at me, I said, fuck, I slapped him one time, he fell silent, he started crying. after 10-15 seconds, I said, I’m sorry, come sit next to me. He said ”okay“ and sat down and we talked for about 5 minutes, and then it suddenly stuck to my lips and I hugged him tightly, but after 5 minutes I said what are we doing, Mervede said exactly, ”I’m sorry”. He said, ”If I couldn’t give you that old pleasure,” no, that’s not why I said it. I said you’re not mine anymore, you’re someone else’s half. And he said, ”I love you, not him.” When he said so and so, I said, come let’s go to us.
We came to our house in Akçeşme near the hospital, my mother was not at home there, you know women always do the day, and my mother was at home empty, I’ll watch TV, if you want, turn on the computer, I said, “no, I’ll watch TV,” she said. ”It doesn’t wind up alone, pc,” he said. He said it’s too hot in your house. ”Where is the bathroom,” he said, go out into the corridor, go through the first door. 3-4 minutes later, one came, took off his pantyhose, and challenged his legs like stones. He got up on my cock right away, but I’m trying not to make him notice, so he sat down on the seat right in front of me, threw his legs over his legs. I saw your panties there and I snapped and started.
To lightly filter Merve, he also saw me, while filtering, he said, “What happened, no, what are you looking at,” no, it’s a reward to look beautiful, I said, “Come on, am I beautiful from there?” he said. I said, don’t you realize. ”I’m not, I’ve never been aware of anything after you,” he said. And I said, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, I want to make up. He also said “Yes” and came to me and put 1 kiss on my lip. I asked if you’d like a coke or a beer, he said, “Beer.” There is also a grocery store downstairs, right under our house, and I bought 5 beers from there. We started drinking immediately. Mervenin’s head became 1 million with 2 beers, so I thought it was too hot, saying this is an opportunity, should I take off your shirt. “Yes,” he said, staying with his whistle. After 2 minutes had passed, he also took off his südyenin Dec. Her breasts were on the square, I started touching her lightly. He was never from there, maybe he deliberately made it look like there were 1 million in 2 beers. She used to drink 5 of them, nothing would have happened, but anyway, I started sucking her nipples, took off my pants and put my cock in her mouth.
she started taking the 19 cm in her mouth, so I thought I’d finger her pussy under her skirt, but her panties weren’t being touched by the pleasure water, I took off her panties and started putting my fingers in her pussy. Merve started moaning and I took my dick out of her mouth and started licking her pussy. I was looking forward to having anal sex.I almost passed out when I was licking Mervyn’s asshole. Then, as I grasped the root of my cock, I was trying to bring pleasure and prepare for anal sex by rubbing the cock against Merv’s asshole. Merve was pushing the upper limits of pleasure because of my licking her ass. Now I understood that Merve was ready for anal sex. I started putting my cock in Merve’s ass, she was having a hard time taking it because we were having anal sex for the first time. I finally managed to get it in. I sped up for a moment while doing it back and forth. We were both at the height of pleasure. Now it was being read because of the pleasure that Merve had taken in it. We were about to cum, both of us. Merve, who understood this, said, ”empty into my mouth, not into my ass.” When we were at the height of anal sex, I stuck my cock up to her throat, which I pulled out of her. Suddenly I started ejaculating deep into his mouth. We both cleaned up and left the house before mom got caught. I never had my mother’s days off in the days that followed. I fucked Merve repeatedly in anal sex.
ママと私の衣装 私は大学の間に非常に近いガールフレンドを持っていた、と私たちは非常にお互いを愛し、私たちは本当に友達だった、彼女は彼女の愛について私に言った、と私は彼女に言った、と私たちはお互いに天才滞在しました。 彼はあなたがどのように男であるかさえ私に言った,あなたは私を殴ることはありません,でも彼女はとても面白かったので、私は彼にそのように感 だから私はその魔法を壊したくなかったのです。 とにかく、この女の子はある日彼氏と別れてまた泣いて私のところに来て、男の子は彼女をだまして非常にひどく捕まった。 彼はすでに彼女が1年間一緒にいた彼女のボーイフレンドであり、彼らはお互いを愛していて、真剣に考えていたので、彼女は怒った、それは大したこと 彼女は私の家で泣いていて、ある時点で私の肩に横たわっていて、彼女は泣き続け、私は彼女を慰めていました。 Dec. まあ、気にしないでください、あなたがすでにそれを見たのは良いことです、私はあなたが結婚してそれを見たならばそれがもっと悪かったであろう それから突然、女の子は振り向いて言った、私はあなたが私の恋人だったらいいのにと思います。 私も微笑んで、それから彼は私の目を徹底的に見始めました。 私は女の子が意図を邪魔していることに気づきました、私はすぐに起きて、私はあなたにコーヒーを作るだろうと思いました。 私は本当にこの友情を壊したくありませんでした、彼は私に来ました、彼は言った、私から逃げないでください、少なくとも一度は試してみましょう。 だから私は私たちの友情が崩壊するかもしれないと思ったし、我々は両方のお互いを失うだろう今回。 彼はそれを試してみましょうと言って、私はそのような迅速な入り口を期待していなかった私の唇にそれを貼り付けました。…
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