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raftaar age

raftaar çağı Hello, I am a girl who lives in a neighborhood of bahcelievs in Istanbul.brunette
i’m a nice guy, 1.67 eyes are very beautiful. my brother, my mother and
my father and I were a family.2 years ago, when my brother was going to the end of high school, he went to university
since he did not win, a jewelry store is also next to a relative of ours
he was was the year I was preparing for college, and teaching was definitely
i was going to the same time as being more comfortable at home, it is still very outside
I couldn’t get dressed when I was home with a short T-shirt or skirt or a pair of
i could walk around.I bought a pair of thin white brother, what is a girl all the time
he was saying it looks good on you.sometimes he would hug me and I would notice that he was caressing me Decently.
but I didn’t expect brother one day while I was cleaning my brother
dad, look, my brother’s pajamas look thin, he said it’s very sexy.from my father
i’m so father first filtered it so that then my daughter go something is right
he said put it on.i was so embarrassed.then one evening when mom and dad were at home, my brother
he started wrestling with the the dog state because I’m weak
he stopped and my brother was staring at me and walking back and forth like a teöpo.something
I knew you were confused.I also felt stiffness behind brother
look at my dad, dad, he was saying how I father looked at us first and
he was laughing, I was trying to get didn’t even care.later
dad said enough, go to your room, where you are kicking around.then one day
my brother caught me in the storage room of the apparatus.he said, come here.stupid again
i thought he was going to do something stupid, but suddenly he grabbed my chest and
it stuck to my lips.he wasn’t kissing, he was sulking madly.he was a big, skinny guy.i
I was disgusted with him.he took off my T-shirt. he kissed my breasts.then he
and he untied his waist and said take it in your mouth.i said I wouldn’t take it, I’d scream.then scream
he said be ashamed.i screamed, I screamed as hard as I could.slapped with my screaming
I stopped eating and fell silent.the press turned around in an instant.and then with that stupor in my mouth
it stung.the attitude was sticking my head deep into my throat.later
without ejaculating,he turned me upside down and put me against the wall and put my shirt on my knees
he grazed up to.he slowly stripped off my weight and my waist eğ legs
said.when he didn’t open it, he hit me again, I was exhausted.between themselves and Dec.
he started sucking on my leg Decals.and then something like a hot stone inside me
i felt him was very painful.then my brother pushed if
I was noticing that something was hurting a lot.a good hug from my waist and exactly
he started to keep up the pace like when he was wrestling.something comes in and out of me
my abdominal muscles were tightening and loosening Nov.I was getting excited when the press returned.later
abm kissed my neck and paced hızlandırdı.ve i felt something warm inside me
and my father would have a deep ohh.he never left my waist, I couldn’t move.full
at that time, the 13-year-old who was sitting 2 floors above us who came to the kitchen I threw away
the neighbor’s son came and saw us like brother said, alas.i was ruined
“anyway.then we packed up and I went down to the brother didn’t come home.the whole neighborhood
the laws have been passed.we were disgraced as a family.even to buy bread at the grocery store
I couldn’t get father did not accept my brother into the mother is constantly
ağlı I couldn’t look at my mother’s face or my father’s face.when you get pregnant
we had it removed picked up something from boc morc and exactly 6 months later
we moved.we didn’t even know what my brother was mother is very bad to me
he was acting.because I’m the reason why bimin left home
he was saying.i left the house thinking that I was a burden now, and
i ran parents realized that I was coming home early and took me by car with my 2 uncles
they called and found me at the bus stop right on Aksaray.where are you going
when they said I was out for a ride, I said, but they didn’t believe you were running away, twill
they said.they brought her home and told mom to go to the neighbor.2 uncle my father and
when I entered the house, no one was talking.i went inside and sat down my father’s first
he was talking about a fucking bitch…and then they all started shooting.yle bad
they were shooting so I thought I could get out if I died.what’s on me is tearing up
it’s T-shirt, my skirt, they’re all breasts were exposed
my fun seemed to have stripped off my uncle ate with my father twice.
he can’t stop eating, he went looking for it, he dad got really hot and two
dad kept squeezing and hitting my breasts while your uncle was holding last
they left half-naked and injuries only went away after 3 months.later
mom, i want my son to my dad, i got kicked out of the house because of this bitch, leo
he said my son.when my father told him to come, they called my brother is like 10 months later
he came home for the first time.he apologized to my mother from my father.he never asked me to
he didn’t talk to day when my brother and my father got Deconstructed while my mother was away
my brother, naapaz dad to my father, you know this turned me on.trouble for us one once he tasted it, he said he wouldn’t stand idly the tubist to the grocery store
he told everyone to run away.i was brother said I need to feed a beautiful girl
to my father was very angry, but he didn’t say anything.then one night when I was sleeping, he told me
I woke up with a hug from the hand.i was so scared, brother, i said no, I printed it twice
i said you already burned it, but I also looked at my, shut up to me, girl, quiet
be.he said he’d give it a push and leave.he hugged me .my nightgown
it would come out.i was begging.but he wouldn’t also grazed my underwear.big gbeki
and he was rubbing his thick organ against me.I was crying softly.everywhere
he kissed and licked and sweet you are, girl oragnini
he put it in my organ.I was being crushed under my father’s big body.oh honey oh
honey, diere ejaculated into me.he said, will I feed you to others?by my side
he just lay there and then got up and left.I cried a lot that night.then my brother
they’ve had father often goes to my room at night, unaware of my brother and mother
He came.I have had a child removed from my head 2 times.i said I want to die, but he can’t
human.anyway, I emptied myself out, there is a good internet if I can’t leave the everyone
have a nice day.

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