I’m actually a woman who loses herself and goes astray when she drinks. I do all kinds of nonsense and regret it like a dog the next day. Here I was with my beloved Onur before Turgut. After we had sex, we started talking about things and he told me he was engaged. We started fighting like hell, I screamed and destroyed the place, threw a lot of things at his head. He literally threw me and my stuff out the door, I was thrown in front of the door. I was in his misery, I felt like I was being used and made a fool of, and I was in the middle of the street in the dead of night, far away from my own house for very little money.
I was just walking up the street sobbing and crying when I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. I sat holding my hurting knee where I fell and just stood there crying and crying. Two young men got out of the car opposite. They looked more or less my age. He came up to me and said, ‘Are you okay, are you okay?’ they said. My head is fine with Cheating Sex Stories, of course, I feel like I’m officially sunk into a shithole at the bottom of the ground, ‘Fuck you,’ I yelled at them.
One of them tried to take the other by grabbing Turgut, who would later become my lover, by the arm and saying, ‘Son, let go, this will be a problem for us’. Turgut said, ‘The girl is not well, let’s help, will she suit us?’ said. I was still crying and holding my knee. On the one hand, I was thinking that I had nowhere to go at that hour, that the bastard of Honor threw me on the street, that I never wanted to return there again, that the house was too far away, that I didn’t have proper money, and so on. Thinking like this, I asked them to turn to me for help again; after all, he clings to the snake that fell into the sea.
Then when Turgut returned, his friend Mustafa returned with him. ’OK come on, let’s take you home, we won’t do anything else, it’s fine,’ Turgut said. When we got Mustafa, he looked at me as if he was telling us about the trouble. Then I tried to get up by holding on to the hand he held out saying, ’I’m not good at all, I’m very bad,’ Cheating Sex Stories are true. ’Are you drunk, let’s leave where your house is,’ Turgut said. So I told him my house, ‘It’s far away, but we can’t leave it here,’ he said, looking at his friend Mustafa. That’s when they dropped me home that day and Turgut took my number, just in case I needed it.
Then we started talking and became lovers. To be honest, I started fucking Turgut with my pussy on the second day of our meeting, along with the sadness that my ex-lover caused me. And because he fucked so sweetly, I thought I’d forget Honor with him. Because he really fucked me every time, like, much better. I was enjoying being with him extremely much. It’s been about two and a half months Dec. He said that his friend should come to you one day, and I will bring Mustafa with me, we will chat together, sit at home and drink.
I told my friend, but when Mustafa and Turgut came, he had a job and couldn’t come. After that, the three of us sat down and drank. Of course, when I drank, I tied it to the property as usual. I cried and told about the treachery that Onur had done to me, that we had met that day, and so on. Then when it got really bad, I went to lie down in the room for a while. I’m telling you, I can’t make sense when I drink too much. Then when Turgut came after me, he lay down next to me, started caressing my boobs with Cheating Sex Stories, stroking my pussy over my sweatpants and so on. While his hand was moving around in my pussy, ass, boob, I was liking him on the one hand, and on the other hand, I was saying that his friend was inside.
Then he took off his clothes without answering me, undressed me on the one hand and started kissing and stroking my naked pussy. ’Why didn’t your friend come, they used to hang out together,’ he said. I said, ’Don’t lie, are you going to fuck or not’. I talked stupid stupid. I said, ’Let me invite him to come and fuck him in Aydan’. ‘He can’t come to me in the room, or let Mustafa come, let’s fuck you together. You’ll enjoy it more,’ he said. I’ve given it a few slaps. At that time, he grabbed me by the arms, and then he kept kissing me, and I really wanted him to fuck me under the influence of alcohol.
My pussy was burning, I was officially horny already. I was never in the mood to fight. He forced a little bit into my mouth, I was in no mood to lick, he turned my head on my side on the bed, grabbed me, put his cock in my mouth and pulled it out. On the one hand, he put his fingers in my pussy, fingering my pussy. I suddenly said ’Fuck me Mustafa’. When I noticed the Cheating Sex Stories, I didn’t want to spoil what I was saying, I didn’t understand how I accidentally said it, I didn’t know how to explain it, and I wasn’t in a position to explain it. This came and separated my legs and suddenly rooted hard in my pussy. Closing my mouth and saying, ‘Mustafa, do you want him to fuck. I’ll call, but I’ll taste this bitch’s pussy first,’ he said.
I said ‘Accidentally,’ trying to pull his hand away. The next thing I knew, Mustafa was undressing at the door while looking at us. I never understood if these were agreed in advance. But at that moment I didn’t care about the world anymore, I think I deserved it. What happened with Onur, the fact that I gave my pussy to almost every person I met, and everything like that, I already seemed to deserve it. I let them do what they wanted, and at least I thought I’d have the first group sex of my life at the age of 22.
Mustafa undressed and came and started fucking my mouth like Turgut fucked my mouth a little while ago. In Turgut, he was still fucking my pussy between my legs. Dec. Then Turgut came out of me and fucked me a little towards the end of the bed and turned me face down on the bed. Mustafa crossed to the place where he made me bend and rooted his cock in my pussy. I think hers was bigger, because both it hurt, my pussy parted a little more, and I started to enjoy it more. I was moaning and really just looking at my pleasure. Turgut got on the bed and put it in my mouth while I was curled up.
Turgut was fucking my mouth very nicely, and Mustafa was fucking my ass from behind with a slap. Then he started spitting on my asshole and stroking it with his finger. I liked it incredibly much. When he noticed that my moaning was increasing, he started spitting again, sticking one finger in and fingering my ass. Then he spat out Cheating Sex Stories again and kept sticking his second finger in and fingering it. I really liked it. But it also hurt a little. Then he tripled his finger, and when my ass started to get used to it in pleasure, he started to spit again thoroughly, insert his cock and fuck my ass. I was extremely hurt.
For the first time in my life, I was getting fucked in the ass and having group sex. Realizing that my ass was getting used to it thoroughly, he took out his cock and rooted it once again. Then Mustafa went to the bottom and took me on top of him and got into my ass while curled up in Turgut. They were fucking my pussy and ass like pieces, but Mustafa was sucking my breasts from below with such beautiful Cheating Sex Stories that I was enjoying it so much that it was like floods. The last time I couldn’t resist and said, ‘I’m about to cum, please come inside me and you’. Then something amazing happened and they emptied their cum into my pussy ass, fucking my pussy like crazy, while emptying me like crazy, with my increasing moans, they came to my pleasure and started fucking me harder, emptying their cum into my pussy ass…
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こんにちは友人の話を私はtrueです。 私は身長1.83、70キロ、エリート家族の子供、21歳の魅力的なハンサムな若い男です。 私の最も近いガールフレンド、彼女の名前はEzgiで、約1.65のブルネットであり、彼女は彼女の体格のようにとても美しいです。 私はハンサムな男で、私たちが住んでいる近所よりもエリートな男です。なぜなら、私は常に女の子からオファーを受けている人だからです。さらに、一緒にいたい人は言うまでもありませんが、私のガールフレンドの多くは私と非常に密接に接触しています。私はそれを望んでいません。私の手を胸に持って行く人、触れようとする人など。 要するに、私は最愛のタイプです。 Ezgiとの私たちの話は、私が彼にレッスンを教えるように頼んだときに始まりました。 Ezgiのレッスンは非常に良いです、そして私が失敗したいくつかのレッスンがあります。 私はその週に地理試験を受けました、私はEzgiに私をコーチするように頼みました、そして部屋は喜んで受け入れられました。 私たちはカフェに行き、お茶を飲み、勉強を始めましたが、カフェは非常に騒々しい環境でした。 Ezgiは私にどこかに行くように言った、通常彼はいつも私たちの家に来るだろう、決して絶対に何もない、私たちはただ座るだろう。 イスタンブールマッサージ師 Ezgiは私たちの家に行くために私を提供しました,しかし、彼は自宅でゲストだったので、私はそれを受け入れることができませんでしたEzgiは、私たちの家に行こうと言った私は最初に躊躇しました彼の母親彼の妹は私を知っています,しかし、私は初めて行くつもりでした,私は受け入れました. 私たちは20分でEzgiのに行きました。 彼の母親は家にいて、私たちは握手し、少し話しました、そして彼の母親は彼女が買い物に行くと言って去りました、Ezgiと私は今一人でした、私は私にフ それからEzgiは私に言った、私は変更します、キッチンにコーラがあります、あなたはそれを埋めるだろうので、もちろん私は言った、私は台所でコーラでそれを埋め、Ezgiの部屋にそれを持ってきた、私はドアをノックし、彼はそれを開け、そして初めてEzgiは私の隣にとても公然と服を着ていた。…
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